Bombs Attacking Islam – Bombings 5
Bombing Accusing Islam Bombs 5
Here is various quotations about Bombs Attacking Accusing Islam 5 ↓
The 2005 Haditha massacre in Iraq is a vivid example of this. After a US marine was killed in a roadside bomb, US soldiers blinded by hatred went on a rampage killing 24 Muslim men, women and children.
Only the Khilafah will truly eradicate torture
Firstly, the Muslims should expose the violent, barbaric and inhumane foreign policy of the ‘civilised’ colonial powers that have destroyed nations, states and people; left millions to starve for the sake of securing capitalist interests, appointed and protected oppressive regimes that suppress the will of their people; plundered resources of the lesser developed and invade lands with brute force, terrorising the local civilian people with indiscriminate policies of killing, imprisonment, rape, ‘carpet bombing’; razing whole villages and towns into the ground; and forcing the people to adopt their life-styles, values and political structures. What right do such people have after witnessing the implementation of such a wicked and brutal foreign policy with their own eyes – in South America, Africa, Palestine, Afghanistan and more recently in Iraq, from the various credible news sources – to even begin laying a criticism against Jihad.
Clarifying the meaning of Jihad
TIME MagazineMonday, Mar. 24, 1924
When Turkey went to war against the Allies in 1914, the most dreaded weapon in her armory was the threat of the Jehad or Holy War—power to declare which was vested in the office of the Califate. Dutifully the Calif pushed the button. Nothing much happened. The Jehad did not prevent the British Moslems and the French North African troops from fighting against the Central Powers, nor did it hold back the Arabs from declaring their independence and fighting as Allies of the British in Palestine. The Jehad proved to be a "dud" shell; but when the Grand National Assembly at Angora abolished the Califate and sent the Calif, Abdul Medjid, to Switzerland in exile (TIME, March 10), the dud proved to be a bomb. The reverberations of the explosion still resound throughout all Christendom as well as the Moslem world.
The Siege of Palestine: A Slow Excruciating Death
Eight months have passed since Israel started its latest round of massacring Muslims in Gaza. Although the bombs have stopped falling - and the media has stopped paying attention - the Massacre in Gaza continues. However, instead of bombs, Israel is using a deadly siege to squeeze the life out of the people of the area. For example, as the people cannot access building materials, they must use tents as makeshift shelters. As filmed in a documentary aired by the UK's Guardian, fathers must stay up all night to protect their family and children from being eaten by wild animals! As any objective observer would clearly see, the true brutality in Palestine lies in the day-to-day reality of being occupied by Israel, which includes waiting hours upon hours at checkpoints, watching helplessly as Israel comes in and bulldozes one's homes, watching in horror as the Israeli army uproots olive trees (which is often the only source of sustenance one has), or being subject to house raids in the middle of the night. As was documented by in the news show "60 Minutes", Israeli troops can arbitrarily take up residence in a Muslim's house and use it as a temporary post of operation.
Repercussions of Destroying the Khilafah
These rulers have committed far more heinous crimes against the Muslims than simply issuing empty resolutions. Western colonialism put in place a motley crew of dictators, monarchs, autocrats and downright puppets that have served their colonial masters in a manner more loyal than their own populations. Successive rulers have betrayed the interests of Muslims. With their brutality and lack of self-respect seemingly having no limits, the Muslim rulers are falling over themselves in an attempt to please. For example, Qatar today hosts the largest airstrip in the Middle East, to be used exclusively by the US Air Force to bomb Muslim lands and control the skies of the Middle East. Bahrain, which previously hosted the naval forces of the British Empire, now serves as the base for the US Navy’s 5th Fleet. Almost every nation in the Muslim world today has facilitated the military aims of the various colonial at some point. Present day Pakistan, in a clear contradiction of General Musharraf’s own motto of “Pakistan First”, is engaging in a war with his own people whilst compromising the sovereignty of the country in allowing US troops to act with impunity. Deploying his powerful military not to defend Muslims from aggression, he has made the Pakistani Armed forces nothing more than mercenaries. They are forced to act as mercenaries by the regime for some paltry economic aid for a corrupt government whilst the blood and honour of their brothers and sisters is violated on a global scale. Due to these tyrannical rulers the armies of the Muslim world have been held back, shackled to their bases, unable to come to the aid of their brethren in Chechnya, the Balkans, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq or anywhere else that conflict rages.
The Muslim world has indeed seen destruction, devastation and calamity for the past 83 years. However, the signs of awakening for the return of the Khilafah are now clear for all to see. The proof of this can be seen in the growing gulf between the rulers and the ruled; the speeches and Khutbahs in universities and mosques throughout the Muslim world that call for a sincere and rightly guided Khaleefah to lead the Ummah; witness the mass demonstrations against the bombing and killing of innocent Muslims by US and UK forces in Karachi, Jakarta, Hebron, Dhaka and other places; the increasingly brutal methods and oppression that the regimes are forced to use to quell the desire for political change such as in Egypt and Uzbekistan. It can also be seen by the actions of the colonial powers who realise that the rulers they imposed upon the Muslim world have no support and no legitimacy, hence they are forced to resort to occupying Muslim lands and cementing their presence through military bases. The global reawakening for Khilafah can also be seen in the desperate and pathetic attempts by the regimes and their scholars, who they have bought for a cheap price, to malign, slander and attack the idea of Khilafah. They lie by saying that the Khilafah cannot be established in the modern age, that Islam and politics do not mix, that sectarian differences are too great, that the western powers are too powerful and that the Ummah of Muhammad Saw. can never be unified. All of the efforts of the enemies of Islam will be in vain for Allah Swt. has promised the believers that the Khilafah will return on the method of the Prophet and there is no power or might other than Allah Swt.
3 March: Dark days for the Ummah since the destruction of the Khilafah
Russia continues to follow an independent route and employ policies that demonstrate this such as its view that Hamas and Hezbollah are not terrorist organisations despite numerous US resolutions to the contrary. Russia has signed a deal with India to develop a stealth fighter as well as various military pacts. Its Middle East tours, position it as an alternative superpower to the US which is supplemented with its observer status in the Arab League and Organisation of Islamic conference (OIC). Russia continues to use its relations with Iran as a means to frustrate US plans on imposing sanctions against Iran. Russia plans to spend over $200 billion in the next 5 years to modernise its military.1 This includes new nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, a fleet of TU-160 supersonic strategic bombers and the development of a fifth generation fighter jet. Such production is also leading to Russia ornering the arms industry; Russia is the largest supplier of arms to China, Iran, and Venezuela and is courting the Middle East.
The US has forced Pakistan, through an international campaign of propaganda, to carry out bombing campaigns in its own territory. This has resulted in a very questionable bombing campaign taking place in Pakistan were innocent civilians are regularly being killed in retaliation. Zardari has used this as a justification to target militants thus aiding the US when it has been unable to halt the insurgency it faces in Afghanistan. The US has used various carrots and sticks to get Pakistan to play the role of regional surrogate. Slowly but steadily, Washington is tightening the noose around the neck of Pakistan - civilian and military – and forcing them to make strategic choices. Major General Ashfaq Nadeem, the top commander of the 2009 Swat Valley offensive, said that most of the leadership of the Swat Valley Taliban has simply relocated to Karachi and South Waziristan.7 Pakistan could cut a deal with the Tehrik-i-Taliban; this would suit both parties; it would however be against US aims. The actions of Zardari’s government are in no way dealing with any of Pakistan’s real issues, they are implicitly placing Pakistan in an even more perilous position and weakening her in the face of US demands.
2010 will indeed be crunch time for Pakistan. Gripped by a bombing campaign, an economy in disarray, with some provinces looking for secession and an army at odds with the civilian government, Pakistan will, in all likelihood, see the US increase its presence in the region, which will include more troops and the challenge of supplying such troops. It should be borne in mind that the ultimate aim of the US in the Muslim world is to prevent the emergence of any major power; Khilafah or otherwise. US intervention in the Muslim world has never been to achieve any ultimate settlement – even though the rhetoric may have said so. US aims are to prevent stability in areas where another power could possibly emerge.
Strategic Estimate 2010
Adnan Khan
g. Cultural insensitivity
In both wars the aggressors used heavy handed tactics including indiscriminate bombing and a complete lack of understanding of the local beliefs and customs making it easy to recruit for domestic opposition forces. In both wars the infamous US “body count” of enemy killed was popular although recently General Stanley McChrystal has suspended it in Afghanistan.
Secondly, even if it is argued that Al-Qaeda exists in the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan (according to Prime Minister Gordon Brown three quarters of the most serious plots facing the UK have links to Pakistan) [2], then what are NATO troops doing in Kabul or Herat or in Mazhar-e-Sharif. If Al-Qaeda is on the Pakistani side then presumably the responsibility to deal with them lays with the Pakistani security services. Even then according to Prime Minister Brown the numbers of foreign fighters based in the FATA area of Pakistan, learning bomb making and weapons skills only rank several hundred [2].
Who is Bombing Pakistan?
This unchecked influx of American personnel and equipment has prompted at least one former director of the ISI, as well as a number of other defence related Pakistani commentators to allege that the US, through operatives such as those affiliated with Xe, is the culprit behind the wave of terrorism that has gripped Pakistan in the last few months [6]. This wave of bombings erupted following the Pakistani military’s latest and most large scale foray into South Waziristan launched in October 2009. Pakistan’s major cities have been gripped by random and devastating bombings that have resulted in hundreds of civilian deaths. Although those reported in the Western media tend to be the spectacular bombings in which dozens or, as in some cases, over a hundred at a time are killed, the fact remains that bombings on a smaller scale persist across the country on a daily basis.
Bombings have struck markets and busy streets in Peshawar, Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi and numerous smaller towns and even villages across Pakistan. After each incident, the government has promptly issued declarations linking the bombings to the Taliban, or the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), or an amalgamation of these and others, or just terrorists which demonstrates how speculative the government’s operational information really is. This is despite a number of denials by the TTP of involvement in the worst of these atrocities [7]. The fact that the bombings have largely targeted Peshawar, and specifically large centres of population from FATA residing in Peshawar, have led many to question why Islamist militants from FATA, seeking to expand support for their stated ambition of establishing authority over FATA and NWFP en route to the rest of Pakistan, would randomly and repeatedly bomb the very people they seek support amongst. Such questions have led observers to speculate that in fact it is highly unlikely to be the case that the Mehsud tribe, which forms the bulk of the leadership cadre of the TTP, is waging a bombing campaign against Pakistani society.
Many politicians in Pakistan blame the bombings upon Indian covert operations in Pakistan. They allege that evidence exists which implicates Indian operatives in Baluchistan and FATA in the ongoing bombings. They allege that the government is trying to cover up these facts so that it can use the bombings as a reason to continue to push further through North and South Waziristan in operations undertaken through strategic subservience to America’s regional ambitions.
Others allege that the bombings are orchestrated through the activities f individuals affiliated with Blackwater (Xe) or the CIA more directly. They speculate that these attacks are undertaken to generate support across Pakistan, particularly NWFP and Punjab, for the continuation of unpopular military operations by the Pakistani army in FATA. Some others suggest that the bombing are actually punitive strikes carried out at the behest of the US as a result of Pakistan’s resistance of US demands to expand Pakistani military operations across FATA.
It has to be borne in mind that incidents of bombings have been numerous and widespread across Pakistan. It must also be borne in mind that Pakistan is afflicted with a number of insurgencies, and faces violent Shia-Sunni clashes each year around the month of Muharram. In addition to this, there are a number of foreign states who, to varying degrees, seek to destabilise Pakistan through civil unrest and violence.
More so than any other factor, it must be understood that the absence of effective leadership of the state and protection of society will invariably lead to destructive foreign intervention in the state’s functioning and in society. Hence, the current wave of violence afflicting Pakistan, aside from the perpetrators who are mechanically responsible for the destruction, is ultimately the result of the absence of any effective overall leadership of the state, and the provision of any protection for society. The government has failed to demonstrate any initiative in any critical area facing the state, whether in the sphere of security and sovereignty, political stability, developmental and economic recovery, or social cohesion. It is evident that this failure is what has made it possible for an external entity to wage this bombing campaign.
The illusory economic enticements of alliance with America, which have since evaporated, were allegedly backed up by the proverbial big stick in the person of then Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. In September 2006, it became public that the Bush administration through Armitage had threatened Pakistan by ‘bombing it back to the stone age’ if it did not extend the required support to the US in its campaign in Afghanistan [10].
Over 60% of Pakistan’s population live on less than $2 a day [1] and nearly a quarter on less than $1.25 a day [2]. According to the World Food Programme, 7.4 million Afghans – nearly a third – are unable to get enough food to live active, healthy lives, and 8.5 million, or 37%, are on the borderline of food insecurity [3]. Corruption is rife, demonstrated by the ongoing court cases in Pakistan looking into allegations of corruption at all levels. In a recent corruption assessment for 2008, Pakistan and Afghanistan were ranked 134 and 176 out of 180 countries respectively [4]. Misrule is the norm with some of Pakistan’s history being under non civilian rule. Afghanistan’s much lauded elections have been the subject of serious fraud and rigging allegations. To make matters worse, we are now witnessing the onset of violence on an unprecedented scale, both with American forces attacking targets in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the recent bombings across major Pakistani cities.
More recently, commentators shrink in horror at the prospect of Pakistan heading towards ‘balkanisation’ because successive recent governments have capitulated to US demands in the ‘war on terror’, and also because of the rise of bombings targeting civilian areas.
Afghanistan And Pakistan : The Unwinnable War
The Current Western Strategy For Afghanistan & Pakistan And an Alternative path For The Region
A Report From Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain
A society where men and women are bombarded with a variety of sexual imagery at all times of the day whether on television, billboards, newspapers or magazines will lead inevitably to widespread sexual agitation.
Does Islam Oppress Women?
Lopa Hussain
Adnan Khan
Since Vladimir Putin become Russian President he has managed to gain a grip on the nation and counter US attempts to weaken Russia. Today Russia is rapidly developing without following the example of Western liberal democracy. Russia has opted to openly challenge the West as well as the US at practically every turn, whether by planting a flag on the seabed beneath the Arctic icecap, testing the massive ordnance air blast bomb or disputing the sitting of US early-warning defence systems in Eastern Europe, which it has managed to successfully halt for the moment. Russia has begun re-inventing itself as a regional power, after winning back Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from America’s grip and managed to reverse the colour revolutions. The US after nearly 20 years of having no rival is now facing the grim prospect of a challenge from a nation with the world’s largest gas reserves and substantial oil reserves.
Russia continues to follow an independent route, such policies include Russia’s continued position that it does not view Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist bodies despite numerous US resolutions to the contrary. Russia has signed a deal with India to develop a stealth fighter as well as various military pacts. Its Middle East tours, position it as an alternative superpower to the US which is supplemented with its observer status in Arab league and OIC. Russia continues to use its Iran card and the sale of the S-300 missile systems card to frustrate US plans on UN sanctions against Iran. Russia plans to spend over $200 billion in the next 5 years to modernise its military. This includes new nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, a fleet of TU-160 supersonic strategic bombers and the development of a fifth generation fighter jet. Such production is also leading to Russia cornering the arms industry; Russia is the largest supplier of arms to China, Iran, and Venezuela and is courting the Middle East.
The US brought Japanese expansion to a grinding halt by dropping nuclear bombs upon the nation, it occupied Japan with 500 000 troops, the threat of communist expansion however resulted in the US to develop Japan to be a model democracy with a flourishing economy. The US allowed the transfer of technology which greatly speeded Japans post war development and ever since Japan has concentrated on electronics and has becomes a leading exporter of technological products.
Constructing The Khilafah’s Foreign Policy
Adnan Khan
In the 1930’s Japan began a territorial expansion programme to solve the shortage of raw materials. It conquered Manchuria and surged deep into China to exploit labour and resources. Yet the situation with China quickly deteriorated and war broke out while tensions with the West were coming to a boil. The United States, concerned about its Pacific territories gave Japan an ultimatum to abandon its territorial acquisitions or face an oil embargo (at the time, the United States provided about 80% of Japan’s oil). Japan could either capitulate or lay claim to the vast resources of Southeast Asia. The latter option involved striking the Dutch and British, both US allies, and thus engaging in war with the United States. The Japanese made a gamble and pre-emptively attacked Pearl Harbour and as a result were then on the receiving end of US nuclear bombs.
What also needs to be accepted is that all the Superpowers for the last four centuries concentrated on manufacturing which ensured they became self-sufficient, not having to rely on any external nation. They all developed defence industries to be able to defend their nations and deter those who had designs on them. Hence Britain was the first to develop a naval marine industry and conquered the seas in the 18th century; Germany shifted the balance of power on the eve of WW1 by industrialising, developing the first fighter planes and building most of Eastern Europe’s railways. The US achieved world power status by developing the first nuclear bomb, its contribution in WW2 was what halted almost certain German victory. The USSR’s shift from agriculture to manufacturing is what made it compete with the US and today Chinese development is firmly rooted in manufacturing. The point here being without industry one cannot become self-sufficient, without industry one cannot defend itself and without industry one will always be at the mercy of foreign powers.
Iran’s air defence is also weak, its aircrafts are mainly second generation with the rest of the world constructing fourth generation jets. Iran’s air defence forces are the weakest link in the overall defence posture of the country. This situation will remain until the modernisation of Iran’s aircrafts occur where the numbers of such aircraft increase and the training of its pilots and depth of its repair parts inventory improve. The majority of the inventory of the replacements to its aging US manufactured fighters and fighter-bombers is a mix of Russian and Chinese aircraft. Iran remains vulnerable to attack from the air due to the poor state of its air defences.
The National Organization for Military Production within the Ministry of Military Production supervises a number of manufacturing plants, which were usually named after their location. These plants are:
- Abu Zaabal Company for Engineering Industries, which produced artillery pieces and barrels
- Abu Zaabal Tank Repair Factory, which overhauled and repaired tanks and would eventually become the producer of Egypt's main battle tank
- Al Maadi Company for Engineering Industries, which produced light weapons, including the Egyptian version of the Soviet AK-47 assault rifle
- Hulwan Company for Machine Tools, which produced mortars and rocket launchers
- Hulwan Company for Engineering Industries, which produced metal parts for ammunition, shells, bombs, and rockets
- Heliopolis Company for Chemical Industries, which produced artillery ordnance, bombs, and missile warheads
- Banha Company for Electronic Industries, which produced communications devices.
Iran’s principal mining industries are oil refining, petrochemicals, steel, and copper. Today there are nine refineries with a potential refining capacity of over one million barrels per day. In late 1980, Iraqi bombing forced the closure of the Abadan refinery, (for long the world’s largest oil refinery).
- Pakistan's is the first Muslim nation to develop a nuclear weapons development program. Based primarily, on highly-enriched uranium (HEU), Pakistan is believed to posses 30 to 50 nuclear warheads with thousands of centrifuges in operation. Pakistan has continued its pursuit of expanded uranium-enrichment capabilities and currently has 3 Nuclear reactors and two pressurised water reactors. A further two reactors are currently under production. Whilst Pakistan procured elements of the necessary technology from other states the development of such weapons of mass destruction means Pakistan has an indigenous programme, an atomic bomb requires enriched uranium, and to enrich uranium, machines called centrifuges are required – rapidly spinning tubes that are used to separate and concentrate isotopes in gasified uranium. Spinning at several thousand revolutions per minute, they rest on superb bearings, in perfect balance, in a vacuum, linked by pipes to thousands of other spinning units. When the process works, the gas ends up in a solid form, but any minute defect, and the product is decisively marred. The same is true of the other equipment required: tools, magnets, exotic steel, vacuum pumps, ball bearings and instruments of all kinds, all must be perfect. Pakistan has mastered this all.
Constructing an Industrialised Muslim World
Adnan Khan
The initial view in Islam is that in generality all objects are permitted. However, their use has been restricted as all actions require a Shari’ah evidence. Although Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) are allowed in Islam, how they are to be used would require knowledge of the Shari’ah rule. ICBMs could be used for reasons ranging from legitimate deterrent measures to the illegitimate killing of innocent civilians. Islam permits the study and use of medicine, engineering, maths, astronomy, chemistry, physics, agriculture, industry, communications including the internet, and the science of navigation and geography. This includes what results from them such as industry, tools, machinery and factories. Also included in this would be industries, whether military or not, such as heavy industry (manufacture of tanks, aeroplanes, rockets, satellites, nuclear technology, hydrogen, electronic or chemical bombs, tractors, lorries, trains and steamships) as well as consumer industries and the manufacture of laboratory instruments, medical instruments, agricultural tools, furniture, carpets and consumer products such as the TV, DVD and Playstation etc. The point being illustrated here is that all objects we know of past, present and future are allowed without restriction unless Shari’ah evidence exists to definitively disallow it.
Islam in The 21st Century
Therefore, despite the sheer numbers of Muslims that dwarf other nations, the Islamic Ummah is ineffective even against the insignificant nations and even they take advantage of this. The Muslims are looted by whoever wishes to do so and whenever they so wish, due to the fact that the real forces of the Muslims sit idle in the barracks under the instruction of the insincere leadership and the only resistance that the aggressors face are boys, stones and slingshots against their tanks, missiles, helicopter gunships, aircraft carriers, destroyers, bombers and ground attack aircraft.
The First and Second World War claimed the lives of millions of people and confounded misery on the survivors. Two atomic bombs in Japan have annihilated over 3 million people.
Jihad and the Foreign Policy of the Khilafah State
Khilafah Publication
The change in Pakistan’s leadership in 2008 did nothing to halt the economic crisis with the difference on this occasion being the number of problems it faces at the same time. The Zardari government continued for months to lie about seeking IMF funding. The IMF’s managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn on the 22nd October 2008 confirmed Pakistan had formally requested a bailout package. As IMF loans require US approval, Pakistan would need some understanding with the US with regards to the war along the Durand line. The Economic crisis suits the US fine as it is able to extract concessions from Pakistan – that include bombing inside Pakistan.
What also needs to be accepted is that all the superpowers for the last four centuries concentrated on manufacturing which ensured they became self-sufficient, not having to rely on any external nation. They all developed defence industries to be able to defend their nations and deter those who had designs on them. Hence Britain was the first to develop a naval marine industry and conquered the seas in the 18th century; Germany shifted the balance of power on the eve of WW1 by industrialising, developing the first fighter planes and building most of Eastern Europe’s railways. The US achieved world power status by developing the first nuclear bomb, its contribution in WW2 was what halted almost certain German victory. The USSR’s shift from agriculture to manufacturing is what made it compete with the US and
today Chinese development is firmly rooted in manufacturing. The point here being without industry one cannot become self-sufficient, without industry one cannot defend itself and without industry one will always be at the mercy of foreign powers.
47 'Pak's N-bomb prevented Indian retaliation after 26/11,' express India, May 2009, retrieved May 2009,
The Quest For Economic Progress
An Islamic Bluprint For Pakistan
Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain
Therefore, for all these reasons, the state has to carry out by itself the manufacture of its own arms and everything it requires for its war machine and spare parts. This can’t be achieved unless the state possessed heavy industry and started to build factories that produce heavy industry, both the military and the non-military alike. Thus it is necessary that the state has factories for producing all types of atomic bombs, rockets, satellites, aeroplanes, tanks, spacecraft, mortars, naval ships, armoured vehicles, and all types of heavy and light weapons. It is necessary that it has factories which produce machines, motors, materials, and electronics and factories which have relation with public property and light factories which have relation with the military or war industries. All this is required by the duty of preparation that is obliged upon the Muslims by the saying of Allah :
“Make ready for them all that you can of (armed) force.” [TMQ Al-Anfal: 60]
The Ruling System in Islam
Hizb ut-Tahrir
Fifth edition
Khilafah Publications
Suite 298 56 Gloucester Road London SW7 4UB






